En Plein Air Paintings and Drawings
Catherine enjoys painting and drawing on location and she uses her works as a base for further ideas to explore when painting larger works. Quite often when she is out drawing life happens that effects her work by getting wet or slobbered on by animals or worse.
Fallen Tree with Rays of Light - Conte on Rag 420x297
Stream in Ninnis Woods - Conte on Rag Paper 420x297
Leaning Tree in Ninnis Woods - The trees were swishing around in the wind and looked like they were going to fall over - Conte on Rag Paper 420x297
Sunset Rays in Ninnis Wood - Conte on Rag Paper 420x297
Britannic Mine After Cycling Miles - Conte on Paper 210x148
Alex and Caroline Christening Supper Clovelly- Conte on Rag Paper 610x915mm
Mum in Kitchen - Conte on Rag Paper 841x594mm
Jewel Trees at Cilve Court - Conte on Rag Paper 210x148
Richard the 1st in a Strop - Conte on Rag Paper - section from 841x594mm drawing
Richard the 1st Lazing Around- Conte on Rag Paper 1016x678mm
Mum in Shower - Conte on Rag Paper 841x594mm
Same Model Mum Used 20 Years Later - Conte on Rag Paper 841x594mm
Woman - Conte on Rag Paper 594x420mm
Self Portrait - Fainted in Bath as too Hot - Charcoal tied to Stick on Rag Paper 841x594mm
Yola in the Woods on 1st visit to Ninnis - Watercolour on Paper 297x210mm
Sid after watching Alien on Tiny B&W TV- Oil Pastel on Paper 210x297mm